Wednesday, February 20, 2013

25 Feb 1945 Down Under Edition

Montgomery's Police Chief King urged parents to keep their daughters under 16 off the streets at night unless properly chaperoned.

At Birmingham, Police Officer J. E. McDonald was shot at 20th Street and Second Avenue by an unidentified Negro who then was killed by gunfire as he was chased by two police officers and a bystander, Pfc. Peter Sznyitar Jr. of the Birmingham Air Base.

Gov. Osborn decreed that the state should return to Mountain Standard Time, but many businesses remained on Mountain War Time.

The Tucson Junior Chamber of Commerce planned to pro¬vide "vigilantes" and a portable "hoosegow" to incarcerate citizens who refuse to dress western style during the rodeo Feb. 19-20.

Pasadena was honored by the launching of the light cruiser. Pasadena at Quincy, Mass.
William Ramey, a blind singer arrested for begging in Los Angeles, was found to be living at the Biltmore, one of the city's most expensive hotels.

A 700-pound boar that escaped eight months ago from the Buell Ranch in El Dorado County was shot and killed by L. F. Coolidge as the animal charged him.

Three persons perished when the Victory Apartments in Vallejo burned.

Damage by fire estimated at $1,000 was caused by a prisoner who kicked over an oil heater in the Clear Creek County jail at Georgetown.

John Baker, 24-year-old Golden automobile mechanic accused of the murder of Norman Swoboda in the Colorado School of Mines gym last month, probably will be tried in March, according to Martin Molholm, deputy district attorney for Jefferson County.

Approximately 50 percent of the liquor stores in Atlanta and Fulton County are owned by persons who evaded state regulations in obtaining their licenses, the Fulton County Grand Jury reported after a two months investigation.

State women's organizations demanded that Georgia's constitution, which is now being redrafted, garantee women the right to serve on juries.

Flu reached an epidemic stage in Atlanta with 457 cases reported in five days.

Hughie Semple of Burley was held in the state's first moonshine-liquor case since prohibition.

Gasoline rationing was blamed for a 25-percent decline in the number of state-park visitors last year.
Peoria's two daily newspapers merged their business operations and moved into the Star Building; the Evening Star became the Morning Star and the Journal took over the evening field.

After losing 45 consecutive games over a two-year period, the University of Chicago basketball team defeated Chicago Technical College 65-27.

War jobs had increased Rock Island's population to 55,000.

An Army plane crashed into a farmhouse near Vincennes, killing Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Gowen and two flyers.

The State Medical Association announced that 1,200 Indiana physicians were in the armed forces.

Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Taylor of Cedar Rapids, who have five sons in service, were named Iowa's "Ideal Service Parents" in a state-wide contest.

Night taxi service in Ottumwa was limited to war workers, emergency calls and night calls for trains.
At Burlington, Pies York, 42, who married Doris Bowling, 12, in an elopement last June, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for child stealing.

Coach Ralph Luchsinger wrote six-page letters to 24 former Spencer High athletes now in service.

New Orleans had its first snowfall since 1935.

At Delvilie, Clayton Moses was shot by Deputy Marshal Dunn and an aide after Moses allegedly made threats against President Roosevelt and attacked Dunn with a knife.

Nearly twice as many women were placed in Maine war jobs last year as in 1942.

The Western Maine Board of Approved Basketball Officials voted to award an annual trophy to the outstanding basketball player at Auburn's Edward Little High School in memory of John Messina the school's former coach, who was killed in the Sicily campaign.

Walter Exline of Pearre shot a 311-pound deer, believed to be the largest one ever killed in Washington County.

In a survey of package stores, state inspectors found 74,000 quarts of whisky in back rooms where proprietors claimed there was none.

The State Supreme Court threatened to jail Hudson town officials unless they installed equipment to chlorinate the water supply.

Monson's oldest woman, Mrs. Emma Osborn, 95, and oldest man, Nicholas Alonzo, 92, died the same day.

Flint will be the first Michigan city awarded the War Production Board's "S" pennant for achievement in metal salvage.

At Kalamazoo, Robert Crawford, 17, who claimed he and his 13-year-old bride were both 18 when he applied for a marriage license, got 1 to 15 years for perjury.

The Rev. Charles Horswell, 86, who fasted for 44 days last June because he wanted to join his wife in death, died at Saugatuck.

A new manual for St. Louis firemen forbids them to sleep in chairs or turn the hose on anyone for fun.

At Harrisonville, 14-year-old Donald Ervin pleaded not guilty to murder and manslaughter charges in connection with the death of Mrs. Wilma Russell last November; Town Marshal Potts said Donald had admitted killing Mrs. Russell for fear she would tell his father he had gone hunting with a forbidden gun.

Montana shipped enough scrap metal in one month to build two heavy cruisers.

At Butte, one person was seriously injured when a dynamite explosion wrecked the Silver City night club.

The War Production Board approved the construction of the Bitter Root irrigation project consisting of 35 miles of canal for irrigating 16,000 acres.

An outbreak of scarlet fever closed Havre's schools.

Philip Henry and Arthur Lampert of Sidney each got a one-year sentence at Great Falls for evading the draft.

Reno divorces reached a record peak of 5,846 last year, but the number of marriage licenses issued was 40 percent below the number issued in 1942.

The Montclair Board of Education voted to meet the shortage of school janitors by paying students 50 cents an hour to do janitor work.

Attempting to free itself from a hot-water heater to which it was tied, a dog twisted on a gas jet and caused the death of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Scull's three children in their Main Street home in Paterson; the dog did not die.

President Roosevelt deeded his Hyde Park birthplace to the nation.

Since New York City's traffic lights are no longer dimmed, Chief Magistrate Curran said that the night fine for passing red lights would be reduced from $10 to $5 and the day fine increased from $2 to $5.

County Atty. Nunn of Craven County ruled that marriage by telephone is illegal in North Carolina, thereby canceling plans for a cross-country wedding of a marine stationed at Cherry Point.

A shortage of coal closed the schools in Buffalo in Cass County.

The Aeronautical Products plant at Washington Court House plans to manufacture helicopters after the war.

Toledo police seized scores of servicemen's pictures and addresses from young girls in an effort to stop correspondence on a mass-production basis.

Removal of most of the staff at the Tecumseh Girls Training School was recommended to Gov. Kerr after investigation showed that male employees flashed their lights on the girls while they were undressing and bathing.

Radium worth $3,000 that was lost in refuse from a Portland physician's office was recovered from the city dump by use of an instrument invented by Dr. A. A. Knowlton, Reed College physics professor.

A flu epidemic closed Willamette University.

Oregon automobiles were being scrapped at a rate of 60 a day.

Robert James was treated at Portland's Good Samaritan Hospital for a dislocated shoulder after he swung at a man who called him a draft dodger and missed.

Walter Mumma, register of wills in Dauphin County, who paid $3,711 out of his own pocket to provide enlisted men in the armed forces with free marriage licenses, retired at Harrisburg.

Despite 65 blood and plasma transfusions in 14 days, Ruth Harvey died in Bryn Mawr Hospital from burns received when she rescued a baby from flames in a Rosemont home where she was employed as nurse.

The War Production Board authorized the Chattanooga branch of the Crane Manufacturing Co. to manufacture 10,000 bathtubs for war housing projects, the first big civilian order permitted since the war started.

Negro troops were confined to the Dyersburg Army Air Base at Halls after a battle in Ripley between 30 soldiers and peace officers in which one soldier was killed and a sheriff and his aide were wounded.

At a referendum election, Cocke County citizens voted to ban liquor sales.

San Antonio was experiencing a light epidemic of flu.

San Angelo High won the state football championship with a 26-to-13 victory over Lufkin.

George Strake, Houston oil millionaire, gave a 2,400-acre camp site near Conroe to the Boy Scouts.

The Colonial Marble Co. plant at Rutland was being converted to manufacture aircraft-ignition parts.

William Sykas, operator of the Pavilion Grill and Bill's Lunch in Montpelier, was denied rationed meats for two weeks by the OPA as a penalty for overdrawing his meat-ration account.

The State Extension Service reported that the farm - labor situation remained critical.

After surrounding the University Heights School, Seattle police captured Joe Wilson, 62, who was accused of looting 15 schools in the last two months.

Aberdeen and Hoquiam schools were closed because of flu. For the first time since Grand Coulee Dam was completed, no water was flowing over it because of the demands recently made on the reservoir by Bonneville Dam.

Gov. Neely, though he mentioned no one by name, charged that a "brazen attempt" had been made to buy the governorship and asked a special session of the Legislature to set up a bipartisan committee to prevent fraudulent voting.

State Highway Patrolman Al Rose reported that 61 sheep were killed when struck by a truck on the Thermop-olis-Meeteetse Highway 25 miles west of Worland.

State Fish Warden Simpson revealed that more than 9 million fish were released in Wyoming streams and lakes last year.